Welcome to Gowdy Shores Homeowners Association.

GSHA Members:

Gowdy Shores Homeowners Association

Special Members Meeting

Saturday, October 5, 2024

10:30 a. m.  Check-in (Eastern -- Michigan Time)

11:00 a.m. – Meeting Begins

12:30 p.m. – Meeting will end no later than 12:30

Via Zoom Only – No in-person meeting.

Zoom link to be emailed

        Saturday, September 28 and

        Friday, October 4

IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND, you may appoint a proxy (a person) to attend on your behalf with full speaking and voting rights.  The Proxy Form is required to assign a Gowdy Shores Homeowner to take your place. Click here for the form. Click on the Menu item "Special Meeting October 5," or request that a copy be mailed by USPS by emailing [email protected] or calling Harbor Cove Management at 269-469-8100.

You must follow the instructions at the bottom of the form for it be valid.

A Proxy is a PERSON – NOT A BALLOT. No advance votes will be accepted.


This Special Meeting will be limited to a discussion and vote on only the following motion:

“Gowdy Shores Homeowners will pay a special assessment for damage caused by the August 27 storm. (The amount will be determined by October 5th and shared at the Special Members Meeting.) The special assessment is payable by Tuesday, November 5. Any late payments will incur an additional $50 fee.”


This is a Special Members Meeting to discuss damage and repair costs to GSHA common areas caused by the storm on August 27, 2024. No other topics may be introduced at this meeting.


The storm on August 27 was devastating. The GSHA board extends our heartfelt sympathy and concern for those who have suffered losses. It is the board’s responsibility to restore the roads and common areas to a safe and fully useable condition. Our GSHA 2024 Budget did not anticipate devastation on this scale. Therefore, the GSHA board calls this Special Meeting to establish a Special  Assessment to fund this project.

The board is studying the amount of the Special Assessment. We are determining the work to be done and are collecting bids. We want the fee members pay to match the actual cost of the event. We do not want to under or over charge you.  Current high priority work is being paid for with our reserves.  The Special Assessment will pay for more required work and restore the reserve. It is important that all members participate in this community decision. We respectfully request you invest a bit of time to help the Gowdy Shores community put this unhappy event behind us.


Bill Heimann

[email protected]


Dear Visitors:

Gowdy Shores in Union Pier, Michigan, platted in 1933 by Herbert and Jessie Gowdy, is a unique and friendly community. Residents enjoy the natural wooded environment, private beach access, community events, and neighborly interactions
If staying in Gowdy Shores please click here to see the Gowdy Shores Rules. The homeowner and neighbors thank you. 
Welcome to Gowdy Shores,
Bill Heimann
GSHA President